Anthony and Callan Spark

Anthony Kenneth Spark is a successful Serial Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, Philanthropist, Author, and Personal Development Specialist. Anthony Spark started his first company, a candy wholesaling enterprise, at 13 to support himself and his family.  At 18 years old, with a vision to change his family legacy and positively impact people in need around the world, he was searching for a career path. With a clear picture of the life he truly wanted, he began building a company of his own. That company has evolved into several industries and now does 7 figures of revenue involving an organization of over 200 people. He is the visionary and founder of Kickstrings - a social entrepreneurship project which raises funds and awareness for charities and not-for -profits through colored dress shoelaces. He published has his first book, Phoenix Manifesto, in November of 2018.

Callan Emily Spark has a medical background. She had aspirations as a young girl of serving as a nurse in the doctors without borders program. An avid traveler and adventurer, Callan sought a life that would allow her and her family to live life to the fullest. She is actively sought out to speak on topics including Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, Flourishing as an Introvert, and Overcoming Procrastination. She is admired by her peers as a tireless and hard-working champion for her family, friends and the causes close to her heart. She has a vision and goal to fund and develop the Hope Medical Center in the next 20 years.

Both Callan and Anthony were instrumental in organizing the initial launch team and funds to fund v1 church, pastored by Mike and Julie Signorelli. One of the fastest growing churches in the northeast, in one a few years they have two campuses serving both Long Island and queens with weekly attendance over 600 people.